Di Valerio Camposeo
Illustration: Sara Bartoletti "This time I cut the breath are just fucking sti cs!"
To check go out oxygen from the street and point towards the fountain, breathing is blocked, but his eyes are fine, the bottigletta Malox of something is served, among other body feet @ protesters see it, kicked back and forth, a small fire extinguisher, dejavu is immediate, the square will change its shape and size as the city, I suddenly I'm ten years younger and is a beastly hot . In the lead I had a mountain of dreadloocks and find a helmet big enough to contain the head that I was a business. I was struck, in the midst of a period full of strong passions (maybe it was the altered perception of a twenty-three, or maybe it was true) love and fight (which are basically the same thing) vied to be preferred but Fortunately melted the finish line, the trip was exhilarating and I saw on the train between redial fractures that compas has long looked askance at the pugs had a new house full of friendly faces and familiar friends. And on Ptolemais was at ease in zizza know where to stay what to do and with whom. Then on the way as you begin to move back to the stadium I met the uncle of the TDN, a former disappeared (it is not easy to explain what a former Argentine disappeared, just in case I'll explain it again or ask me to voice), tells me that in a square side had just been killed a comrade. I changed all of a sudden, I went to check on all the friends I knew, they were all there but it was not a given that I raised up too much, a companion was dead. Point. Then came the news, a name, pictures. And I was next to carlo a fire extinguisher. All this through my head in a moment, the spirit of Genoa hovering over Rome. They are immediately attracted by the object, dimmer switch and try to earn a path to that thing so versatile, this one in particular even more to its small size. But the scope object is taken (to be used as a common good of the square and generously shared with law enforcement) who just tear disintossicatosi by many, offered for sharing by the financiers and policemen, it rejects the fray. Oh well! Easy line of conflict that nell'andirivieni me again sat. In apnea reach the fountain I remove everything that covers my face and try to clean up the airways when i polmoni ricominciano a ricevere ossigeno mi alzo e mi volto a guardare da dove sono venuto. Lo spettacolo è straordinario, visto con un punto di vista esterno è anche scenograficamente magnifico. Già piazza del popolo è bella, e ora è il palcoscenico ideale per quella che sembra a tutti gli effetti una battaglia storica. Ormai abbiamo quasi perso via del corso ma per ogni metro che gli sbirri guadagnano pagano un prezzo salatissimo. Non è solo nell'estintore l'evocazione di genova, sta nella zona rossa che da diverse ore circondiamo e cerchiamo di invadere, sta anche nella radicalità con cui rispondiamo alle cariche dei reparti a difesa dell'ennesima pagliacciata. Sta negli assalti ai blindati, nei limoni e nel malox che passano di mano in hand, gun in the hands of a mercenary in uniform, is that today in Rome we are many and divers @ @ @ unit and from a perspective just as we were in london. Where can I get back in motion a look around a bit 'of familiar faces that I had lost some time, but not finding me throw them back by "only' a bit less at ease and with a little 'cautious in more. I have not seen the fire extinguisher, but sin could be helpful. I do not know what has gone on the Battle of the Piazza del Popolo, also via Ptolemais had lost track of time, it lasted so long and was made by the entire square, @ everyone with his anger, @ everyone with his skills, @ everyone with their own stock courage, @ everyone with his clothes blacks, red, yellow or blue, or working party. @ @ Everyone was himself without being subject to an identity used as a media bogeyman. We go out with difficulty from the arches that surround the square and finally some friends out there, and news about ALTR @, it is the wisdom to raggiungerl @ and they are going to take the bus to return to Bologna. The trip back was different from ten years ago, get out of london was devastating, was not running away from Genoa osante the potential we had. Instead the return trip to Rome was a quiet, relaxed, happy. Because I know that Rome was not genova, because I was able to recognize what we brought from Genoa and che c'è di nuovo nell'aria, perché so che genova fu un apice di movimento, oggi è stato solo l'inizio.