Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How To Paint An Aluminium Tinny

"'U Main"

A Catania, long time ago, before the experience, an enterprising young entrepreneur, Salvatore Conti, buy um means of transport, thus beginning a glorious adventure.
In a short time became a leader in the management of transport in Italy, using 150 families. First, in the cement and concrete and then giving effect to the transport routes in the Sicilian and Italian. The young entrepreneur and visionary safe guess ahead of time and enriches the geometries of the market day after day, the fleet becoming a regional and national context.
Consolidated entrepreneur marries creating a family, the twins are born from the union which does not deny his dedication, estimated from industry professionals in the industry, well-liked by most, he was diagnosed with a heart that will lead to transplantation. Always loved and surrounded by people who believed and believe in him, not even aware that the disease might tear its spirit of irrepressible leader. It 's so it was! He instilled his team the right way to work, to each in a different way, snatching silence in the attitudes of those who had to travel with him his life.
And yet, despite the affliction of the disease, always present, creator of all the choices, intuitive, instinctive intelligence, which receives a preview of the carriage and the carriage was to combine exceptional lifting ... so as to become one of the first companies in the lifting industry nationwide.

of him you would say
"Guarda il lume e considera la sua bellezza. Batti l'occhio e riguardalo:ciò che di lui tu vedi, prima non era e, ciò che di lui era, più non è.


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