Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Micro Sd Usb Adapter Not Working

Avventure Grafiche LucasArts - Parte 8
Oggi vi presento un gioco molto interessante, dalla grafica cartoonosa: Day of the Tentacle.

Titolo: Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle.
Anno: 1993
Audio: Sì
Doppiaggio: Inglese
Lingua: Italiano
Difficoltà: Alta
Day of the tentacle inizia cinque anni dopo la storia di Maniac Mansion. Dei seven playable characters in the first chapter makes its reappearance only nerd Bernard Bernoulli, flanked by two new friends: the metalhead Hoagie and Laverne medical student. The story begins when one of two creations of Dr. Fred Edison, Purple Tentacle, drinking toxic waste resulting in two arms of evil, but harmless (because they are not intelligent), becomes a genius with the goal of world domination. The task of Bernard and his friends and, initially, to go back in time one day with a portable toilet (the Cron-o-Binegar), processed by Dr. Fred in a time machine, to turn off the machinery that produces waste and thus prevent the mutation of Purple Tentacle.
Note: This is the official sequel to Maniac Mansion. Unlike the first this has a much more vibrant graphics, dubbing and a plot really well made: it can travel into the past present and future. In addition, many puzzles are based on time travel paradoxes: for example, cutting a tree in the past that will disappear in the immediate future.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wedding In Memory Words

Graphic Adventures LucasArts - Part 7

Here we have arrived the seventh adventure game from LucasArts: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.

Title: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Year: 1992
Audio: Yes
Dubbing: English
Language: Italian
Difficulty: Medium
The game is set in 1939, the eve of World War II.
Professor Indiana Jones and his friend Marcus Brody are looking for a strange statue in the museum of Barnett College on behalf of a Mr. Smith, owner of a key that could open the artifact. When the statue is opened, inside the three discover the presence of a small bead of metal. Smith, aiming a gun at Indy and Marcus, run by the College with the statue and its contents.
Thanks to some documents left behind, it turns out that Mr. Smith is actually Klaus Kerner, an agent of the Third Reich interested in some excavations have taken place some years ago in Iceland. It was there that Indy, along with colleague Sophia Hapgood, has brought to light the statue just stolen. Kerner is the next target of his Sophia, a former archaeologist now be a prescient interest in the myth of Atlantis and that claims to be in spiritual contact with Nur-ab-sal, the Atlantean god-king.
Notes: The game has a history all its own (ie not taken from a film), has moments when you must fight and at some point the story is split, and you choose what you like best: solve puzzles, action team or the body to fight body. According to your choices will change the ending.
Here is the link for download:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment In Bangalore

Graphic Adventures LucasArts - Part 6

is the result of the first Monkey Island "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Title: Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Year: 1991
Audio: Yes
Dubbing: No
Language: Italian
Difficulty: High
Plot: The story begins with Guybrush, attached to a rope and suspended in a vacuum, Elaine comes after a few seconds, which begins to recount his adventures: and that is where the game begins. Guybrush tells the story of two pirates as he defeated LeChuck. It also reveals that on the trail of the legendary treasure " Big Whoop, "and a ship to find it. The Pirates, however, informed that Guybrush Largo LaGrande, LeChuck's former henchman, has placed an embargo on the island. And now you have to find ways to escape from the island and find the treasure.
Notes: The game is really well done and very funny (except the finale). The interface is that of Monkey Island 1, and also the style of play. I recommend you try it only after finishing the first.
Happy Looting!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Funny Things To Say In Birthday Cards

Graphic Adventures LucasArts - Part 5

Today vi presente la pietra militare delle avventure grafiche: The Secret of Monkey Island.

Titolo: The Secret of Monkey Island
Anno: 1990
Audio: Sì
Doppiaggio: No
Lingua: Italiano
Difficoltà: Media
Guybrush Threepwood è un giovane che vorrebbe diventare un pirata e con tale scopo si reca su Mêlée Island. Qui, dei pirati dall'aspetto importante, gli indicano tre prove da dover superare per diventare un pirata: sconfiggere in un duello ad insulti Carla, il maestro di spada dell'isola, rubare un idolo dalla villa del governatore Elaine Marley e trovare un tesoro nascosto. In his to do as Meathook Guybrush will meet various characters, an attacker with the hooks instead of hands, Captain Smirk, who will train in combat with insults, and the governor of the island, Elaine. Guybrush falls in love with Elaine, and when it will be kidnapped by the ghost pirate LeChuck and-flow on the island of Monkey Island, he, after buying a ship and the crew found suitable, will go to the rescue.

Notes: The first monkey island is one of the finest adventure games. The graphics are well done (at least for the time), the theme music is very beautiful. There is even humor and lots of funny situations that you will find throughout the game. In short, this is a game that you have to try to force.
PS As you can see the interface is now only 9 verbs and more actions are also made with the right button.

Here is the link to download the Italian version of CD:

Happy Looting!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Uses Of Egg In Birthday

Graphic Adventures LucasArts - Part 4

This time we talk about a unique case of LucasArts (at least for now), LOOM.

Title: LOOM
Year: 1990
Audio: Yes
Doppiaggio: Inglese
Lingua: Italiano
Difficoltà: Media
In un mondo antico, la gente vive chiusa nel proprio clan e disdegna i contatti con altri popoli. Una donna appartenente alla corporazione dei tessitori decide di sfruttare il più grande segreto del proprio clan, e "tesse" nel destino la nascita di un figlio. In seguito a questa grave colpa, viene immediatamente bandita dal villaggio ma il bambino, Bobbin Threadbare, rimane nel clan accudito dalla madre adottiva Hetchel. Il giorno del diciassettesimo compleanno di Bobbin, Hetchel viene trasformata in un cigno per castigo dagli anziani della gilda, che subito dopo vengono anch' essi misteriosamente trasformati in uccelli e fuggono attraverso un varco dimensionale, immediately followed by Hetchel. Bobbin is forced to learn the magical arts and travel the world trying to stop the 'coming of Chaos.

As you can see from the image the game has no verbs, but another system of controls: for example if you want to open something, instead of clicking on "open" you have to play 4 notes with your magic stick . Spells (jingle) are many, so it is best that you write. Apart from that the game is not difficult in itself. Another novelty is that it can not die. In fact, starting with LOOM, LucasArts decided "not to punish the player for the Exploration of the game." Last news is dubbing: it is the first game completamente doppiato in inglese.

Ecco il link per il download per la versione italiana CD Talkie:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What Is Mild Cerebral Atrophy

Avventure Grafiche LucasArts - Parte 3

Ecco davanti a voi il primo gioco di Indiana Jones!! Basato sul motore Scumm, il gioco riprende il tema del film, quindi se l'avete visto per voi sarà più facile finirla.

Titolo: Indiana Jones e l'ultima crociata
Anno: 1989
Audio: Sì
Doppiaggio: No
Sottotitoli: Italiano
Difficoltà: High
The story takes place in 1938, a few years before the Second World War. Professor Henry "Indiana" Jones is approached by billionaire Walter Donovan for you to help continue the quest for the Holy Grail, the chalice which, as mentioned, according to legend was used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper and in which it was collected his blood. The research findings of the mythical, received a good point, it had been interrupted by the mysterious disappearance of one of the archaeologists involved: none other than Henry Jones Sr., father of Indy. To search for the father and the holy chalice, then Indiana will travel halfway around the world visiting Berlin, Venice and other areas. According

me il gioco è abbastanza difficile (sempre 14 verbi), ma questa volta ha una storia molto evidenziata. Per l'80 percento il gioco si basa sul film, quindi per risolvere qualche enigma basta che rivedete il film. Allego sotto la versione FM-Towns (molto più bella dell'originale) con la colonna sonora.

Ecco il link per il download per la versione gia tradotta in italiano FM-Towns:

Buona Fortuna!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ontario Dinner Recipes

Avventure Grafiche di LucasArts - Parte 2

Oggi vi scrivo del secondo gioco Scumm: Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders.

Name: Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Year: 1988
Audio: Yes
Dubbing: No
Language: Italian
Difficulty: High
Plot: The plot sees
Zak, a frustrated journalist who works for a tabloid newspaper (the National Inquisitor), Annie Larris, China Melissa and Leslie Bennett, three students at Yale, in their attempt to save the world by destroying a diabolical machine created by aliens who are slowly but surely, riducendo l'intelligenza degli abitanti della Terra.

Questo che vedete è il gioco più difficile fatto da LacasArts. Se riuscerete a finirlo senza le soluzioni, siete dei geni. La difficoltà consiste ancora nell'interfaccia (ancora 14 verbi), possibilità di morire, ancora più "punti morti" e anche la lunghezza. Per esempio vi può capitare di scordare di prendere una cosa all'inizio del gioco, che però serve alla fine: in questo caso dovete rifare tutto daccapo.

Ecco il link per il download per la versione gia tradotta in italiano FM-Towns:


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Common Places For Syphilis

Graphic adventure LucasArts

I would make a nice list of all the adventure games from LucasArts, with a brief review and download link.

To start you have to use the emulator: ScummVM, uffuciale downloaded from the site.

ScummVM is an emulator that runs on many platforms, including Windows, Windows Mobile, Symbian, NintendoDS and many others.

How do I install the emulator and what is the correct version can be found on the official ScummVM: .

You can find more information SCUMM up on wikipedia: / wiki / SCUMM

tell you to begin the list of games. The first game based on LucasArts SCUMM is Maniac Mansion. Created by Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick.

Title: Maniac Mansion
Year: 1987
Audio: Yes
Dubbing: No
Subtitles: Italian
Difficulty: Very High
Plot: The game begins
when the hero, Dave Miller, discovers that his girlfriend, Sandy Pantz, has been kidnapped by Dr. Fred Edison, and decides to save it with the help of two friends. The player può scegliere due amici fra una rosa di sei personaggi, e da lì in poi l'avventura si svilupperà in modo differente a seconda delle scelte effettuate.
Il gioco è veramente difficile, anche per la scomoda interfaccia di 14 verbi, ma pian piano si diminueranno (intendo negl'altri giochi). Questa è la versione "Enchanced" (più colori dell'originale, meno verbi, i paesaggi più dettaglati). C'è anche la possibilità di morire e ci sono anche tanti punti "morti". Vi consiglio di salvare spesso.