Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Causes Genital Acne

BartleBurp! Comics

friends & enemies, we are happy to let you know that we are preparing another of our special presentations (But this time for real!).
Bartleby with his new house to pay homage to our host this number 4, which cost us so much trouble, but still makes a lot of satisfaction et Intellectual body. So we wait

Friday, March 19, cocktail hours (19.00 for you nerds who do not put your nose out of the house) to Bartleby, of course.
This time with some surprises.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sore Knee After Basketball

Cocktails IV th Meeting - Burp! and Otto Gabos

Just to take stock of the situation, we wanted to remind those few who follow us that Thursday, March 11 we were invited to attend to the crazy Mattioli industrial space located in Vicolo Broglio at 1 / f ( specification was required).
Oltre alle nostre gloriose personcine sarà ospite della serata anche Otto Gabos che ormai è tirato dentro a tutto quello che facciamo (suo malgrado).
Gradita tessera ARCI (nostro malgrado).

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kidney Stone Feels Stuck


Allora, ragassuoli cari che ci seguite, volevamo giusto ricordarvi che da IERI è partita al TPO la nostra rassegna (curata insieme ai black velvetiani) in occasione di BilBolbul intitolata "B-SIDE il lato nascosto dei fumettisti".
Vi aspettano performance di Luana Vergari, Alberto Corradi, Luca Vanzella, Massimo Semerano, Otto Gabos e Andrea Plazzi, nonchè una mostra dove sveliamo il nostro lato b.
Avete tempo fino a domani, l'ingresso è gratuito and if you can peck around one of these cards you are entitled to € discount on all books for sale.

As a last thing (but not least) tonight would expect the presentation of our sweaty number 4 (that could be downloaded on lain), with the beautiful cover of Brochendors Bros. return in grand style and a Bego ' missed interview (no less poop de) Paul Bacilieri.