Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lactose Intolerance And Dermatomyositis

"CALF" Company Graphic Design Port

Friday, February 19, 2010

Can Vitiligo Spread In 2 Months

a little 'patience

Let me be clear.
In a side project and one we put back under with work. I recommend this time do not play the dumb that there were not warned.
or San Remo is doing stoned, too?

See you in March then. You know che è presto per dirlo, ma la nascita di questo quarto pargolo va festeggiata ben benino.
Poi ditelo che non l'avevamo reso noto, se avete il coraggio.

per ora beccatevi questo ! (ci raccomandiamo)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Piece Anime Nami Hot

The Extremist "Carlo" 2

There are times when you decide your life.
There are only rational moments of reflection that will lead to.
What I want right now is only you!
Genuine copy, the other half is missing.
... I have to say and do to us the other side of the moon!
pardon for those who are not, by what I have not been able to say, I did not know what to do: I need to ask for forgiveness or anything for what we wanted or that others would have liked.
More than ever belong to me alone!
Only this lifts me to think that you are unique!
Listening Satriani ... The Extremist! And I feel that! Extreme musicality that breaks, breaking, counter loneliness, guitar solo, acute impatient, predilection of creativity.
What is noble is not visible to the eyes. Nothing is visible to the fools ... their law is the irresponsible destruction.
My gasp, heartbeat, movement, note, chord, song, composition, artistic exaltation, joining top.
I wanted to be what I could! I am a teacher without hearing officers and treasure it so much wealth for you, for the world, for those who know their continuity. I'm everything you want ... I am now for a few ... and you would like to be and always will be. One thing I teach: the ransom! The feeling stronger and unacknowledged, the last stage of awareness, the moment of divine exaltation, the affermazioneme of all creation. E 'is the time to ... time ... and no more than I can tell you what will soon learn. Still Satriani always with me ... ... always with you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Accommodation Near Nuh Singapore


Monday, February 8, 2010

Cervix Is High And Hard

"The legend of the Holy Drinker"

radius of the moon at the window open in Porto Cervo
eighth plan sleepless night life
makeup and lip gloss
there are so majestic buildings in Porto Rotondo!
Villa Certosa smiles on the tip!
Mausoleum of people, flags and slogans,
silence falls after a few days.
Li ho visti tutti i ricchi dell'Italia consunta
insieme ai contestatori del Nulla,
seduti all' Harry's o da "Giovannino"
trattative ingegnose di champagne e aragoste.
Villa Anna - Punta  Asfodeli -
monoliti depredati sul cervello
di architetti dell'abuso - il Principe è andato via...
forse non tornerà più! I Sardi non lo vogliono.
O non lo hanno mai voluto! ma Gamondi è rimasto
a seminare olivastri secolari.
Vorrei vomitare per gli scempi e le maledizioni
e i miei occhi testimoni complici hanno visto rubare
effigi dentro chiese sconsacrate -
su spiagge bianche di desideri e innocenza
tutto si accomoda con la viltà,
vile silenzio che si compra giorno dopo giorno
indifferente prostituta di via Roma
squallidi Night Club di periferia -
città che mai sacrificherà l'apparente benessere.
Quanti anni ho girovagato in cerca di niente
dentro impossibili festini, spiagge meravigliose,
bella vita e perizoma di amori scostumati.
Ho amato intensamente e non mi pento di averti lasciata li,
per strada, ha sognare il mio ritorno.
Mai mi vedrai camminare sulle onde di Coda Cavallo,
e non mi troverai seduto al pub delle streghe
a maledire pani e pesci
o nella chiesa di Telti, come il Santo bevitore,
in attesa dei tuoi prosperosi seni,
Teresa, benedicimi e ubriacami con la language of the serpent
of God of Jesus and the Holy Spirit!
Sometimes I think of you ...
remember your fear of sex.
embrace ever eaten, even in the arms of God, the joy of a confessional
might make you wet
thus expiate your sins.
I know enough to unite with the infinite ...
... even with the Creator, but I'll still silent observer!
I know I'll never stop waiting for her sister,
anywhere, everywhere, in the church of Rudalza
find me engrossed in the joy of grace
joined hands
curse to see you again and again I asked Father about you
at dusk, with open eyes, I see you coming.

La Luna

who I loved. About
love. About
love: that is all!
... but the moon changes
enchanted enchanting mindless
beautiful in every corner of every superb
pale color painted
I fall in love once
freed slave to love in the time of creation .